Monday, September 10, 2012

What's in my pocket

Normally my watch isn't in my pocket but I took it off and just put it there. It's a cheap one from the army surplus store bought in an effort to not rely on my cell phone so much because I am terribly addicted to it. I want to get a nicer band for it.

I got that knife for like 10 bucks at menard's recently, it's pretty good, nice and solid, serrated at the bottom (good for cutting rope). A lesson I have learned over the years is that you should always have a blade on you, not because you might have to stab someone but because it comes in incredibly handy.

Keys. I've had that keychain bottle opener for years and years.

My long suffering cellphone. I'm planning to get a new one soon. It barely sends out pictures.

Although it's just a cheap notebook I was so relieved that I found it earlier today after having thought that I had lost it for good. Another thing to carry around at all times is something to write on. I forget stuff all the time, stuff that I need to remember, and I will continue to completely forget shit but the notebook helps.

My wallet, yes I wore it with a chain today, why? I don't know.

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