Friday, June 29, 2012

Rza for president

I was just lamenting over the fact that there's a dearth of adequate ridiculous action movies coming out. What, you say, madness, there's a million big action movies coming out. Like what spiderman? eh. Batman? That will be nothing but disappointment. The Expendables 2? The first one wasn't very fun and the new one looks abysmal. Unless Bruce Lee is punching him, Chuck Norris makes things worse, not better. Total Recall is pointless, the original still stands up. At least the new Judge Dredd movie looks kinda cool, but if you're going to watch one movie about taking over a high rise with maximum force I recommend The Raid. then this comes out of fucking nowhere, THE MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS, directed by RZA, yes THAT Rza

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