Sunday, May 06, 2012

everything from action figures to dental dams

On friday I finally went to the movies, not to see something awesome and under appreciated, like Lockout, but to see the biggest movie out this weekend The motherfucking Avengers. Straight up, I almost didn't see it just to protest the sheer amount of advertising involved, there was a commercial for fucking insurance of some kind. Now I just came up with a great comic book series. It's about an insurance company that sells superhero/villain insurance. Your car got tossed over the horizon by the Hulk? Good thing you have Heroz Insurance! So they'd send out a claims agent, or whatever the fuck, man I don't have insurance, I'm poor and have nothing to insure. The sheer amount of shit with the movie Avengers is incredible, everything from action figures to dental dams. What convinced me to see the movie was a clip where Ironman and Thor were duking it out in a forest, it was pretty ridiculous and fun, as it should be. Fine! I thought, I'll watch the goddamn Avengers. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? The movie was super fun. There's shit exploding, big ass monsters figthing, fist fighting, the occasional well timed comedy bit, and it looked really fucking good. I am telling you, Robert Downey JR was born to play Tony Stark. I really dug how much the characters stuck to the personalities established in the previous Marvel flicks. I was really surprised how the Hulk stole the show. I might end up liking The Avengers more than The Dark Knight Rises. Sure TDK might be a better movie, but it looks so serious. So serious. Which is ridiculous because it's basically about a billionaire who dresses up like a bat to punch criminals in the face. They are totally gonna fuck up the inevitable sequel to the Avengers.

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