Monday, April 09, 2012

Infinite Party Fuck It All

On saturday night I found myself at Reggie's. I should get there more often. I've seen a lot of great bands there and have had some great times, very rock and roll. I always seem to remember the place as being huge, but it's not that big, way smaller than the Metro, and a little bit smaller than the Bottom Lounge. The place is almost perfectly designed to have loud as hell rock shows. I even dig the balcony on top with it's comfy chairs and couches.

A friend and me got to Reggie's in time to catch 3 songs by Chicago's own Hay Perro. I have never heard Hay Perro before that night, judging from their band name I was expecting some limp indie rock. Luckily they prove me hopelessly wrong by rocking. They play fast rock with some sweet, sharp guitars. Hay Perro's set was beautifully loud, as rock and roll should be, loudness being a major theme for the night.

After Hay Perro got off stage a bunch of dudes that looked like an outlaw gang from a spaghetti western appeared. Suddenly the opening riff from The Trooper by Iron Maiden blasted from the stage. I reacted by shaking my fist at the stage and shouting "YEAAAAHH!" They didn't go into the rest of the song, but it was okay, for once it was okay, because they proceeded to FUCKING ROCK. Halfway into their second song I realized that they had 3 guitarists on stage and for a second I thought they had 4 guitarists, but it turned out that the lead singer/bassists is huge and was playing a six string bass. They play fast fierce rock that is just a thing of wonder, the kind of rock music that gives me hope and raises my spirit. While watching them I thought, they'd be the best band to play at the Mutiny. AND THEY ARE PLAYING AT THE MUTINY IN MAY, YOU HAVE TO GO. You have to go, you have to go drink beers, take shots, and rock the fuck out with these dudes. After their set my friend Anne said, "I feel like stealing a camaro."

Trouble No More by Against the Grain

Another Chicago band came on third, this time it was Jar'd Loose. They sounded really good. They have a great best of the 90s sound going on, lots of White Zombie and Metallica, some grungness, and lots of punk. The frontman is (used to be?) head up The Muzzler, who fucking rule(d?). Freed from playing an instrument dude is one of the most entertaining front men I've seen. Their first song was explosive as fuck. They lost some momentum, but played very well. Hopefully they just kill next time I see them.

Of course the volume kept going up and up throughout the night, thus Zeke was like getting hit by a god's hammer. They played a shitlot of loud as hell, louder, songs that lend themselves way too easily to drinking copious amounts of cheap beer. AS IT SHOULD BE. If I ever manage to get a vast amount of money the first thing I'm doing is throwing a huge rock festival. I'll call it Infinite Party Fuck It All. You better believe that Zeke is going to be there. They rocked, the rolled, the main lesson they taught me was that fuck everything let's listen to some really loud fast rock music. Amen to that.

Kicked in the Teeth by Zeke

Not sure what the next concert I'm going to is. I'd like to go see Mastodon at the Riv on friday, mainly to see Ghost. ALAS! Behemoth, and more importantly, Watain, are playing the same night. In a perfect world Ghost and Waitain would be playing the same show. I heard that last time Waitain played that they were tossing real blood around and had meat on stage. That's what I'm talking about.

I had way too much fun looking at The Joy of Satan website today.

1 comment:

Vincent Andrew Sassana said...