Monday, November 21, 2011

rock and roll horror

I went to a wedding party thing last night. I'm not sure what to call it, it was a party for a wedding, but the actual marriage part happened like 2 weeks ago or something? It was nice. You know. There were heartfelt toasts and pictures got taken. Of course there was some drama, mix booze and something momentous like that and there's always drama. I don't know what happened, a girl crying by the bathroom being consoled by some friends. The thing went down at that hive of villainy, the Cobra Lounge. It was really weird hanging out there, usually when I'm there I'm knocking back beers at the bar while some ridiculous rock band is blasting in background and a lady is spraying sparks from her crotch or something. You can't call a place the Cobra Lounge and not have some attitude, it just wouldn't be American. It was a magical evening for all, I guess, even without getting tacos later on.

One of my favorite parts of the night last night was driving and blasting music, in particular New Amsterdam by Zola Jesus fit the whole night driving thing perfectly. I'm not even a big fan of driving but I wanted to keep going.

I thought this trailer was very cool

Along with the upcoming Lollipop Chainsaw

I hope that this wave of rock and roll horror games is a prosperous one. Usually I'm wary of any survival horror games, mainly because they terrify me, but these look like actual fun as opposed to something I can only play in 15 minute bursts before loading up Tetris. If you didn't notice, both trailers mention a fellow called Suda51, you should totally pick up his video games. If yer looking for something cheap and still have a last gen system lying around (ps2 or whatever) then I recommend Killer 7 as it is fucking crazy.

In theory I should like survival horror video games, I like horror stuff and I like video games, simple right? Right! But no. Resident Evil 1 gave me nightmares, the last night I had nightmares directly inspired by something scary was the first time I saw Evil Dead 2, back when I was 6 years old. When I watch movies, not matter what kind of movie, even if I am totally engrossed by it there is still a level of disconnect. That barrier isn't as relevant in any video game I play, specially good ones. I know that I'm some kind of crazy kung fu motherfucker, or that I can get shot with an Uzi and just respawn, or that if I go through a car wash that the cops will stop chasing me, but every single time I die in a video game my first thought is "I died." It's not, "Solid Snake died." or even "My character died." It is almost always "I died." It's not just the prospect of dying that gets to me in horror video games, after all I can always start again, but the lighting, the mood, the music, all that stuff that is there and I have to deal with it. If it was just a movie then it's not my problem. I don't have to put with my hand trying to kill me, Ash does. I don't have to deal with Apollo Creed, he's Rocky's goddamn problem. But Pyramid Head? Oh shit. Does that make me a wuss? Yeah, probably. But rather than play video games to terrify myself into turning the tv off and turning all the lights on, I play them to have fun.