Monday, June 02, 2014

some magnificent racket

After about an hour and a half of travel I managed to get to Do Division on friday evening. Usually it's a spur of the moment thing for me, usually I find out what bands are playing a few days before hand, this time I already knew I was going to go a couple of weeks ahead of time because High On fucking Fire were going to be performing. I had already slept on getting tickets to their shows at the Empty Bottle, which must have fucking killed, so there was no way I was going to miss them for a suggested 5 bucks.

By the time I got there Oozing Wound was making some magnificent racket. They're a local band who play some fierce metal, the kind of thing that would be a great soundtrack to one of those nights were you end up smoking that weed that hypes you up and makes you kinda paranoid, but you still manage to go out and end up seeing a hella good metal band. They sounded alright, a little muddled and way too quiet. Of course it was early so that's why the volumne wasn't as loud, of course being out in the open doesn't really help sound. There was already a bunch of rockers hanging out, drinking beers, half assedly trying to conceal their weed smoking, nodding along to the tunes and so forth. It's always disconcerting to see so many metalheads hanging out in the daylight, I'm not sure why, shouldn't you fuckers be doing bonghits somewhere?

In between Oozing wound and High On Fire I went to a bar that had $3 tallboys and drank some. Normally at Do Division I usually end up sneaking some booze in, but since I wasn't planning on meeting up with anyone there I didn't bother this time. There's something kinda bummer about bringing in a six pack to drink by yourself on the street. I did try to get a 40 from a store I passed by, but they didn't have any and I wasn't feeling like getting a small bottle of hard liquor. The bar, which name I can never remember, was pretty chill considering how many people were there. It's actually pretty chill whenever I end up there, which is great because those couple of blocks can be obnoxious with people having "fun" and shit, so cheers to that.

The might High On Fire took they're sweet time getting on stage, but when they did it was like getting run over by tank made out of hatred and weed. I can't imagine what it was for someone who doesn't go metal shows to see what was going on: a heavy metal band playing sorta complicated, while all these people in denim black shirts, the occasionally face tattoo, bashed against each other, loud as a falling sky. Some poor fucker was probably trying to have a nice relaxing night at home and High on Fire is playing like 50 ft away from his front door, ha! I ended up at the border of the mosh and people were getting rowdy, fucking ruled. H.O.F. played for almost an hour, just destroying all the while. Trying to stuff all what they did into the tiny Empty Bottle strikes me as beautiful madness. According to my twitter feed, last night the cops arrested a "freaked out naked guy." That's pretty cool.
Ethereal - High on Fire

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So you're back!
I liked the "getting run over by tank made out of hatred and weed" metaphor. Hope one day someone will make a painting about it.