Saturday, December 24, 2011


So... I've been playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, thus I haven't done anything productive in the real world. I have found a shit load of places, lots of caves to clear of bandits, lots of mines to... mine, wolves to punch in their stupid wolf faces. Lots of stuff like that. I think I'm like 1/3 of the way, probably less into the main story line, THERE'S JUST SO MUCH NOTHING TO DO. Most of my time in Skyrim is mostly spent like this: Sell shit I don't need, drop off all other stuff, grab a dagger, and wander off into the wild where the wolves live. It's not just a step up above Oblivion, perhaps it's an escalator up. There's a lot that been borrowed from recent games from the Fallout series, which is great since those games fucking rule. One of my favorite things about Skyrim is the whole not having to pick a set class and leveling up the attributes you damn well feel like leveling up. I hate how suicidally stupid the horses are, the second you get off them to smack that bandit into submission they go and find the one Frost Troll to annoy or fall off a cliff, one or the other all the time. Fuck you horse, I paid 1000 gold for you. Maybe it's just me and I pick the idiot horses. So I end up spending up a lot of time on foot, managing to piss of anything that's alive in my field of vision. I tried turning down the difficulty but it's just too easy that way. I still haven't beat The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion... D: D: D:

Maybe buying a ps3 was not the best decision I've made recently. Mainly because I play a lot of video games instead of actually doing stuff. It doesn't matter what stuff as long as I'm doing something, dig? I have books that are so overdue! I still haven't finished Endymion.

Right before Skyrim I pretty much wrapped up all of Saint Row 3. Now that was really fun!


Vincent Andrew Sassana said...

horses. I turn my back for a second and they're feeding themselves to a pack of wolves. how about pissing off a giant and having them stalk you for ten minutes until you find a small corner in a lonesome tower and you cower there until you see the brute slowly walk away? axe decapitations fallout-style are the best thing ever though. (fuck horses, i just stick to fast travellin).

Vincent Andrew Sassana said...

p.s. you never gave me any ideas about books on the crusades.