Thursday, November 18, 2010

You probably know that

Kirk Hammett kicked a kid in the face. But if you haven't seen the video... Kirk is kicking around some giant black balloons, because giant balloons in any other color would not be metal. So he's doing that for a while until he kicks a kid someone was holding up. Psssshhh. If I was a multimillionaire rock start I would kick children in the face all the god damn time. I would go out of my way to kick children. I would write a song and call it, "I will kick your child (in the face.)" Whenever I would perform there would be a point where I get people to bring up their kids so I could kick them and then I would extol the parents, mainly by giving them a beer via beer bong shaped like a bigger beer bong. Hell, I would kick kids when even if I wasn't on stage, because I'd be an ultra rich, big shot, fuck you, rockstar. And then I'd toss a wad of money at them that would explode all hilariously and the bills would flutter down as the kid looks on as I climb into my limo and laugh.

Danny Devito as manspider = hilarity.

Obvious Winner is pretty dope.

Oh fuck this song... is glorious. I was initially put off by the vocals, but somewhere along the 4th listen through I realized that I love the whole thing.

I dig this band. According to their myspace site Lamp of Thoth's mission can be boiled down to one sentence, "We want to doom the doomiest doom that doom can doom!" I can live with that.

What a wonderfully futurmelancholic song.

1 comment:

Erika said...

lulz. i hope you become a multimillionaire rock star soon cause i need to see this become a reality. i really like that second song. but what i really came to say is: